Green Tea For Hair Growth – Benefits & How To Use It


green tea for hair growth
Is Green tea for hair growth works, it’s one of the most popular drinks consumed by millions of people. It is high in antioxidants, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids. It also has an amazing variety of use as a skin and beauty product. Green tea abundant in catechins that help prevent the loss of hair caused by dihydrotestosterone (DTH).

If you’re looking for benefits from green tea for hair, you’ve come to the right site! Studies have shown that daily intake of green tea has been related to enhancing the condition of hair and avoiding hair loss chances. In addition, the application of green tea on the scalp tends to reduce dryness caused by the use of chemicals and stops dandruff from building up on the scalp. We’re going to take a look at green tea and how it can help to hair growth.

Benefits Of Green Tea For Hair Growth

No wonder this beverage is perfect for hair care, too! So, let’s find out why green tea works well for hair loss, without further delay.

1. Prevent From Hair Loss

Many men and women around the world are affected by hair loss, and it has different causes, such as depression, diet, autoimmune disorders, and hormonal changes. A certain form of polyphenol called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, is rich in green tea. It works really well for hair growth, thanks to the high EGCG levels in green tea. It also protects the roots of the hair and stimulates hair follicles.

2. Removes Fungal & Bacterial Parasites

We know this sounds disgraceful, but for bacterial or fungal parasites, the scalp is the perfect breeding ground! The hair roots are damaged by these unwanted habitats, and that also leads to hair loss. Wash your hair with green tea to fight, and keep out of reach of these parasites.

3. Anti-inflammatory In Nature

We all know that itchy slaps and extreme hair loss are caused by dandruff. There are anti-inflammatory properties in green tea that will make your hair grow back! It even wipes and makes the scalp clean from any infections.

How To Use Green Tea For Hair Growth

Here are a few ways of using green tea for your hair growth.

1. A Shampoo With Extracts From Green Tea

shampoo green teaThe many products of beauty manufactures has come up with shampoos with extracts of green tea. You should apply these shampoos direct to your scalp and scrub subtly, ensuring that the scalp is not scratched. Be careful to gently apply most of the shampoo to your roots and scalp and scrub.

2. Green Tea Rinse For Hair Growth

green tea rinseTo prepare a hair rinse, the easiest way to use green tea for hair. This can be prepared the way green tea is prepared for a drink by using tea bags or tea leaves. It should be allowed to cool off for some time. This can be done twice or thrice a week. It will work to reduce dandruff as well.

Green tea rinse also has cleansing agents. A green tea hair rinse can be prepared. By boiling green tea bags in a bowl of water, you can readily prepare a green tea hair rinse at your home. After the water has cooled off, once you have completed your shower, you should apply it to your hair.

3. Green Tea Hair Mask

green tea hair maskGreen tea hair masks can be applied directly to the hair and are easy to buy from the market. Cover your hair with a green tea hair mask. Making sure that the green tea mask wraps the whole scalp, including the roots, and after 5-10 minutes, the entire hair length and rinse.

4. Green Tea With Aloe Vera Hair Mask

Another natural substance that is particularly beneficial for hair is aloe vera, and green tea can also be used also with aloe vera to combine the hair benefits and get good results.

Aloe vera can be mixed with green tea rinse by adding them together in a solution to allow the mixture to be applied to hair. The solution should then be massaged into the hair from the scalp to the length of it. In order for it to show significant effects, the hair should be fully coated with the solution. After having kept it for 10 minutes, the solution can be rinsed out.

Does Green Tea Help For Hair Growth

Yes, ladies, the ‘miracle cure’ for hair loss is your favourite beverage! Not only is green tea easily available, but with negligible to no side effects, it is also chemically free.

Green tea promotes healthy hair growth. Researchers added topical green tea-derived EGCG extract to the scalps. By stimulating hair follicles and preventing damage to skin and hair cells, EGCG appears to increase hair growth.

I am ankita kapoor. The beauty topic expert in BBC team.


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